Pankaj Popli

I am presently an IoE postdoc fellow at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. My research interests are broadly in the field of condensed matter, statistical physics, and active matter. In recent years I have worked on problems involving the dynamical theory of lattices and lattice defects as well as particle motion in turbulent fluids.

Current research interests:

  • Non-reciprocal interactions and information.
  • Non-affine deformation and lattice defects.
  • Stability of colloidal crystals and patterned robotic swarms.
  • Citations statistics.
  • To read more click here.

To see a list of my publications click here.


Hyderabad, India
Phone: +91 20203001
Email: pankajp at tifrh dot res dot in

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