Pankaj Popli

* indicates one of the corresponding author.


  1. Pattern stabilisation in swarms of programmable active matter: a probe for turbulence at large length scales,
    Pankaj Popli*, Prasad Perlekar, and Surajit Sengupta
    Phys. Rev. E 104, L032601, 2021.   arXiv

  2. Exploring the link between crystal defects and nonaffine displacement fluctuations,
    Pankaj Popli*, Sayantani Kayal, Peter Sollich, and Surajit Sengupta
    Phys. Rev. E, 100, 033002, 2019.   arXiv

  3. Translationally invariant colloidal crystal templates,
    Pankaj Popli, Saswati Ganguly, and Surajit Sengupta
    Soft Matter, 14, 104-111, 2018.   arXiv


  1. Unified citation parameters for journals and individuals: Beyond the Journal Impact Factor or h-index alone,
    Pankaj Popli and Subodh R Shenoy
    Submitted to Pramana.

In preparation:

  1. A different kind of order: Quasistatic yielding of Crystals by condensation of non-affine displacement mode.
    Pankaj Popli, Parswa Nath, Jürgen Horbach, Peter Sollich, and Surajit Sengupta.
    In preparation.

  2. Citation networks and scaled Hirsch curves: segmented universality from different citation mechanisms.
    Pankaj Popli and Subodh R Shenoy
    In preparation.